Savage XS Flux GT2-XS RTR 4WD Mini Monster Truck
Savage XS Flux GT2-XS RTR 4WD Mini Monster TruckThe Savage XS Flux packs in everything you know and love about the neck snapping, standing backflip-capable Savage Flux in a smaller, more compact package! The ridiculously powerful Flux brushless powerplant provides the most intense speed runs and combines that with legendary Savage durability that passes the bashing exam with flying colors! The innovative HPI Savage TVP technology gives the Savage XS FLUX class-leading chassis design and the extreme monster truck appearance plus ground clearance to conquer it all!
Needed To Complete:

Piper J3 Cub 1070mm (42")
Description: *Free standard shipping is for continental US only RedwingRC Plug-and-Play aircraft! The Piper J-3 Cub 120 is very well known. This is a time tested model that have proven to be great for flyers at any skill level. It does not matter what flying skill level you are at - Anyone can fly this plane, and even in windy conditions! If you want to do some aerobatic flying but are not the greatest at landings- then this is the plane for you! The Piper cub has some great details and looks great in the air. Video:
Key Features:
Mini DLG (P3K Competition version) 970mm - PNP
Mini DLG (P3K Competition version) 970mm - PNP |
11.1v 1500mAh LiPo 90C High Discharge Battery
11.1v 1500mAh LiPo 90C High Discharge Battery